Way of the Writer
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Huddle and Fool
Read another chapter of Huddle and two chapters of Fool. Very interesting.

The chapter of Huddle was the longest so far. Each section was from the viewpoint of a different character. Usually. Several sections had awkward slips from one viewpoint character to another in the section. Minor, but noticeable.
The chapter also introduced concepts that, while I had read and heard of, had never actually seen used. One is second person point of view (POV). Another is stream of consciousness. In a third scene, the author uses "i" instead of "I" for for POV. This is in addition to referring to one POV character as "our hero" throughout the entire section. I think the writer used these techniques to not only differentiate the characters but as a thematic component as well.
My opinion? Ugh. The characters still sounded the same and the techniques just made it worse.
As for Fool? Happily plunged into the story.

Filipino ka ba?
Huddle sounds like someone's literary experiment. Some writers can do different viewpoints very well. Charles De Lint is one.

In Tanya Huff's Victoria Nelson series, characters in one book are werewolves. They have different names depending on whether in fur form or human. Huff pulls this off quite well. Another author almost drove me to tears because her demon/humans had two names and the author kept getting confused. I have yet to read a story using 'our hero'. -cheers, firemind.
Re: Filipino ka ba.
If that's the question asking if I'm a Filipino, the answer is yes :)

RE: Huff's Victoria Nelson's series.
I LOVED that series. Was saddened when she ended it. There's a new book out based on that universe but from the viewpoint of a side-character.

Jim's Butcher's Dresden series is similar and cool.
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