Way of the Writer
Friday, November 12, 2004
***Discussion of the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (Amazing)***

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Last Tuesday, GAC, CS, and I discussed Chabon's award-winning book. We all liked the style though CS and I sometimes felt annoyed at the transitions. GAC had probs with the way the beginning of the novel dropped the flashback.

I liked the feel of setting; Amazing made me feel what it must have been like at that time. (I've never fully realized how casual and assumed anti-Semitism and homophobia was in the U.S. Thankfully the country's grown past that.) I was more familiar with the history of the comic book industry so it was interesting to see a fictionalized interpretation of its rise and fall.

We were not too sure about Sammy's subplot. Thematically, we agreed with Greg that there's this sense of escape throughout the story with Sam's ultimate action at the end of the book reflecting that point. But was it really necessary? Same could be said about Joe's massive storyline while he's in the Artic. I sometimes felt that could have been a separate story in and of itself. (By the way, what happened to the dogs...brrr.)

Overall, a wonderful read. I'll have to find and check out some of Chabon's other published works.

Thursday, November 11, 2004
Beyond the Blog
Two for the price of one:

10th Odyssey Workshop Announced


***And another one...***
Finished The Catiline Conspiracy by John Maddox Roberts last night.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004
***Book signing***

On Saturday, November, 6th, I attended author Jacqueline Carey's signing of her latest book, Banewreaker. We had a brief chat before she began: I attended her book tour of the Kushiel series last year and, though she didn't remember me, she remembered some of the questions asked.

Some of the highlights from the Banewreaker signing:

Ms Carey also fielded some questions about the Kushiel books. I found it very interesting (and telling) that the BDSM community is using the marks system found in the books as part of their own (in a similar vein to Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land sparked a new religion.)

Overall, a wonderful signing. Ms Carey was a pleasant speaker. I can't wait to start on Kushiel's Dart, the first book of the series.

***Caught up***
Been writing like a maniac for the past couple of days for NaNoWriMo. Finally caught up with last night. Whew! And due to certain events, I'll even have more time to write. Whoohoo!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Because of vacation, I fell four days behind for NaNoWriMo. I was able to make up nearly three days yesterday but, due to fatigue (and interesting shows on the Discovery Channel and Cartoon Network) I didn't write for an additional two and a half hours as originally planned an allocated. I'll have to make up the time tonight which means pushing my cardio workout to a later date.

Monday, November 08, 2004
***Two bite the dust***
Finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavelier and Clay last Saturday. Whew! Will review with my friends tomorrow night.

Finished King's Gambit by John Maddox Roberts later that evening as well.

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