Way of the Writer
Friday, October 15, 2004
Writing time
Let's look at October:

Friday, 15th
R. won't be home until around 2200. I can get in at least a good couple of hours if not more if I start around 1930. Oh! And start moving Internet surfing after all the writing's done.

Saturday, 16th
R.'s on-call until Sunday. I can start writing after a morning workout and brunch. Hmmm. Spending the afternoon and early evening just writing. Sounds good!

Sunday, 17th
R. won't be back until early afternoon. I can put some good writing time until then after a morning workout. Rest of the day and evening will be on housework and "couple" time.

Monday, 18th
Will finally try to get that two hour workout in the evening (kwando followed by step). Forget writing.

Tuesday, 19th
Hmmm. Maybe a good couple of hours (1830-2030) before visiting my friends that evening.

Wednesday, 20th
Nope. R.'s half-day.

Thursday, 21st
Debating about this day and Friday, the 22nd. If I attend a cardio class in the evening, forget it. But if I take the class Friday night, I can put in a good couple of hours at a minimum.

Friday, 22nd
I'll be putting in at least a couple hours regardless if I work out this evening or not (see Thursday, 21st) especially since R.'s on-call and won't be back until Saturday morning.

Saturday, 23rd.
R.'s gonna be wasted from being on-call. Large block of writing time after workout.

Sunday, 24th.
Write after workout.

Monday, 25th
Writing night.
Tuesday, 26th
None. Workout, followed by exhaustion and sleep or visit friends first then collapse into a coma.

Wednesday, 27th
R. start vacation until November 5th. We're going to have to sit down and discuss when I'm writing and not to be disturbed. But no writing this evening as we celebrate.

Thursday, 28th
None. Workout, followed by exhaustion and sleep.

Friday, 29th
Get in some goodly number of hours.

Saturday, 30th
Get in some goodly number of hours. What I need to do is not sleep in no matter how comfortable R.'s body feels in the morn and afternoon.

Sunday, 31st
Get up in no matter how comfortable R.'s body feels and write.

Halloween. Hmmm. Maybe I'll give R. the pleasure in giving out the candies solo for the first time in over two years. Definitely, though, some major writing time.

NaNoWriMo starts at midnight, November 1st. Damn! Can't stay up late to write.

To be continued....

Looks like a reasonable month for you to get ready for Nano. What kind of book are you writing?

RE: What kind of book are you writing?

Most of my ideas involve fantasy. I do have a sf idea, though. Hmmmm.
For the 26th....visit friends THEN go home and fall into a coma. yeah, that's the ticket!
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