Way of the Writer
Thursday, November 18, 2004
***Slowing down (but that's a good thing)***
I'm debating about the way I'm currently focusing my NaNoWriMo efforts. As you know, I've been used timed writing exercises to accomplish the objective. Unfortunately, I've reached the point where the technique has become a hindrance. I'm wading through new territory in the draft that would benefit by a more relaxed, thoughtful, phase. But such a change in pace and speed would severely drop my word count to half or lower. To make up the slowdown, I would have to increase time devoted to the event and, as we all know, time is at a premium.

Decisions, decisions....

Setting such nearly impossible goals for our writer selves can lead to blockage. Write when the passion strikes, and read when it doesn't. It's all part of writing, anyway, yes? Good luck!
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